The project “Shurokkha: Advocacy for an Employment Injury Insurance (EII) in Bangladesh” funded by the Laudes Foundation and implemented by GIZ International Services (InS), organised a residential event on Multi-Stakeholder Dialogue (MSD) with the tripartite constituents from 04 to 06 June 2023.
Representatives from the government, employers’ associations and workers’ associations came to a common understanding of strengthening relationships, collaboration norms and values for achieving future sectoral goals through collective leadership approach and collecting feedback on a draft communication brochure about the EIS Pilot for the RMG factories. This brochure to be used by factory management will provide relevant information and support to the workers and/or their dependents in processing claims under the Central Fund and the EIS Pilot. The Collective Leadership Institute (CLI) along with GIZ guided the training sessions. Concerned representatives from the International Labour Organization (ILO) were also present at the event.
#Shurokkha #MultiStakeholderDialogue #MSD #TripartiteAlliance #SocialProtection #InjuryInsurance #EmploymentInjuryInsurance #EISPilot #WorkplaceInjury #WorkplaceSafety #HealthandSafety