Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh Hosts 7th Urban Dialogue, Fostering Collaboration for Sustainable Urban DevelopmentDiverse Stakeholders Unite to Address Urban Challenges in Bangladesh

Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh, along with the members of the Urban INGO Forum, Bangladesh is proud to have organized a groundbreaking event titled “7th Urban Dialogue” focusing on the urban issues and challenges in Bangladesh. This unique event brought an array of stakeholders, including government officials, non-governmental organizations, private sector actors, urban slum dwellers, and individuals working in the development sector, to collectively address and find innovative solutions to the pressing urban landscape challenges facing the nation.

The event has been a melting pot of expertise, knowledge, and experiences, bringing together policymakers, community leaders, and grassroots representatives. Sk. Md. Moniruzzaman, Director General, NGO Affairs Bureau, Prime Minister’s Office was the Chief Guest at the inaugural session of the event and Dr. Md. Enamur Rahman, MP, Honorable State Minister, Ministry of Disaster Management and Relief (MoDMR) was the Chief Guest at the closing session of the event. Dr. Ainun Nishat, a pioneering expert of water resource management and climate change in Bangladesh was one of the distinguished speakers at the event.

The dialogue featured interactive panel discussions and networking sessions to encourage active participation and meaningful collaboration. The emphasis will be on identifying actionable outcomes that can lead to policy changes and initiatives, with the guidance and support of the government. Habitat for Humanity Bangladesh recognizes the urgency and gravity of the urban challenges faced by Bangladesh, and is determined to play an instrumental role in addressing them. Harnessing the collective wisdom and passion of participants, this dialogue endeavors to catalyze positive change that will shape the future of our cities, ensuring they become more sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant for all residents